Moderator: Rev. Mark Hughes, VT Racial Justice Alliance

Limited access, representation, and voice in public media are among the racially disparate adverse outcomes experienced by Black folks in America as a result of the legacy of slavery. This has not only led to silenced voices but also misrepresentation and appropriation. Media access remains limited, Black stakeholders and producers are sparse, and the Black-centered story and experience continue to be largely absent from media. How can we provide access to the tools, facilities, and training required for Black youth to harness and leverage media capabilities? How do we ensure media access and teach recording and production skills to members of our community who need it most – those members of the marginalized community?
Explore a case study that provides an inside view of progress and setbacks in media justice in our community, including:
How are we positioning ourselves to provide grass-roots community-based media training for youth in our marginalized communities?
How are we centering racial equity and justice?
What approaches are we taking to ensure that this work is professionally and academically augmented? Session includes a presentation, panel discussion (with youth) and Q/A segments.