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A Convo with our Friends at BRIC

logo for BRIC of Brooklyn NY

Anthony Riddle has been Vice-President of Community Media at BRIC Media Center in Brooklyn, NY for over 5 years.  Many remember him from years past as Executive Director of the national Alliance for Community Media. Erica Jones, ACM-NE Chair, pitched a few questions at this dynamite community media leader…. What new projects/initiatives is BRIC taking […]

A little something from BIG

still from the original film

BIG invites the Brookline Community to Star in a Remake of a Classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Scene If you have ever watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, there is a good chance that the famous scene in which he sings “Twist and Shout” on top of a parade float to the delight of hundreds of […]

What happened in Baltimore

Brendan Tenan was one of three people receiving a Paul Berg scholarship to go to the BeMore conference in July 2018.  The following comments are his take on that event: I had a great experience attending the 2018 ACM National Conference in Baltimore. I learned a lot from the panel sessions I attended. Also of equal importance […]

Representing the Northeast

congratulatory card to hometown media winners

If you were not able to enter anything in this year’s Hometown Media Awards, you may not have taken the time to scroll thru the winners for 2018.  But if you did, the first thing you would notice is the preponderance of Northeast members listed.  And the next thing you might have noticed is how […]

Something unexpected from New York

sign with Spectrum logo

ACM New York recently shared something fairly unexpected for some states:  a public services regulator not coming down on the side of a cable provider.  A post on their Facebook page leads to a July 27, 2018 story in the Times Union newsite: “PSC orders Charter cable giant out of NY.”  This was also reported on […]

Updates from States

VAN of Vermont is quietly transitioning into summer.  Policy activity, like the lawsuit from Comcast, is in a wait-and-see period.  VAN uses Slack ( as their communications/forum tool. Check the VAN website here or contact VAN’s representative to the Northeast board. NHCCM of New Hampshire have had good attendance at the member meetings with a […]

From the States: Spring 2018

map of New England and New York state morphed as a video camera

MassAccess is rallying its members to push one of several bills in state legislature. S.1857 – An Act Supporting Community Access Television would have all PEG channels carried in both standard and high definition (HD), as well as have programs listed in electronic programming guides (EPG) as broadcast channel programs are listed.  They are also […]

Help Wanted: short-term assignment for t...

The ACM-NE Nominating Committee is seeking committee members from all member states. This ad-hoc committee will: conduct a skills assessment conduct a needs assessment prepare a Board Job Description promote open seats on the ACM-NE Board provide candidate recommendations to the ACM-NE Board We anticipate committee work taking approximately one month start to finish. Serving […]

ACM 2018 Annual Conference – Conference

  Conference Registration Member Rates Full Conference: $375 (before June 15) Single Day: Wednesday $100 | Thursday or Friday $175 *Wednesday price discounted as fewer education sessions are available Exhibit Hall Only: $50 Hometown Media Awards Celebration Ticket Only: $50 Scholarship help from ACM Northeast to this conference are available–apply by June 11! Be sure to check out the additional events, such as ACM Day on the […]