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Virtually 360 degrees: a national collab...

Brookline Interactive Group (BIG), the Public VR Lab, NCTV and the ACM are creating a national collaborative pilot project around 360 filmmaking, immersive journalism, and community storytelling. They are looking for others to join their cohort to learn, share, and create a 360/VR documentary project on “Re-imaging Migration” over the next year. Any media, journalism, government […]

Look for Us in Minneapolis!

map of New England and New York state morphed as a video camera

ACM Northeast Region Members Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12 @ 3:15 – 4:15pm, Central Time, in Deer/Elk Lake (4th floor of the Marriott).  If you can find it on the conference schedule page, you can see who else will be there! Come see our smiling faces, hear our plans–especially about our regional conference this […]



Wednesday, March 29, 2017 is COMMUNITY MEDIA ADVOCACY DAY in NYS! From 10:00am – 4:00pm We will be meeting with key state lawmakers and YOUR state lawmaker to discuss strengthening community media funding and encouraging policy changes so cable funds do not dry up. Help support us in our efforts to promote legislation in New York […]

Why they went to the Boston Conference

Why would anyone tear themselves away from the work they love to travel to a conference?  Here are two essays from ACM-NE’s 2016 scholarship recipients, with their thoughts on the August 2016 national conference. Part One  Michael L. Hendricks, Sr., is a producer at Stoughton Media Access Corporation (SMAC) in Stoughton MA.  After attending the Our […]

Are you now or have you ever been a memb...

…of the Alliance? If not, you have an opportunity to include your organization in the only membership organization that is solely devoted to the work of Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Access channels and community media centers across the United States.  The national ACM offers a 20% discount on annual dues for new organizational members if you apply […]

2016 Special Awards Winners

The Special Awards Committee worked very hard while deciding the Special Awards in 2016.  These are their choices from the many great nominations submitted this year: Chuck Sherwood Leadership Award Lisa Byer, Executive Director of Catamount Access TV in Bennington received four separate nominations from four different parts of Vermont for the Chuck Sherwood Leadership Award.  […]