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State news addenda

State news addenda

Passing on this news from the Massachusetts chapter, that their bill to promote high definition carriage and proper listing of PEG programs on the Electronic Program Guide (that’s HD and EPG, in case you’re not up on acronyms), was passed by their state Senate. As reported on their website: “The bill now goes to the […]

From the States: Spring 2018

map of New England and New York state morphed as a video camera

MassAccess is rallying its members to push one of several bills in state legislature. S.1857 – An Act Supporting Community Access Television would have all PEG channels carried in both standard and high definition (HD), as well as have programs listed in electronic programming guides (EPG) as broadcast channel programs are listed.  They are also […]

ACMNE Chair Update: Elections and Worksh...

There are two exciting new announcements to share with everyone: our 2018 At-Large Elections and Workshop Ideas for the 2018 Conference.  It is election time at the Alliance for Community Media Northeast Region! There are four at-large seats open and this could be YOUR chance to be part of this leadership team. The term of these […]

Coming up soon

Saturday, April 21, 2018 Merrimack Valley Access Centers Volunteer Day Conference at Methuen Community Television Methuen, MA • 9AM – 3PM Speakers, continental breakfast and lunch: all for $20! Read more about it here.

Got a minute? Or 100 seconds?

Jason Daniels reminds us of a fun, short-form video project, anchored in the Greater Boston area since 2005: The 100-Second Film and Video Festival is open to anyone from all ages and backgrounds.  All genres are welcome—the work follows the common constraint of 100 seconds or less in duration. There is no entry fee. The […]

Back to the Crowdsourced!

(and a sprint to a new project) Remember the Crowdsourced Boston project? On Wednesday, November 29th at 7:00pm, Brookline Interactive Group (BIG) will screen the premiere of that project’s remake of the classic film, Back to the Future, at the Coolidge Corner Theater. BIG welcomes the entire Brookline and nearby communities to attend. A large […]

And the Winners Are…

At long last… after everyone’s hard work through 2016 (and what a year that was, eh?), after all the additional work that goes into preparing an entry for the Video Festival, after all the committee’s organizing materials for the judging centers, after all the time judges spent watching entries and trying to pin down assessments, […]