2024 Recipients

Read about each awardee and their nomination on the 2024 Special Awards program.
Brian Wilson Mentor Award
This award recognizes an individual who has served as an inspiration and mentor to others in PEG media. The relationship between a student and a teacher is one that can have a profound, lifelong influence on both. This mentoring relationship gives confidence to the student while providing the teacher with a valued colleague. In the memory of Brian Wilson, a trusted counselor and guide.
2004: Rika Welsh and Chuck Sherwood
2005: Grace Sullivan
2006: Judi Kelemen, Newton, MA
2007: None
2008: None
2009: Don Berman, Beverly, MA
2010: Bill Earley, Quincy, MA
2011: None
2012: Jennifer Picheri, Worcester, MA
2013: P. Al Williams, Northampton, MA
2014: Peter Pijoan, Wolfeboro, NH
2015: None
2016: Eric Dresser, Hingham Community Access & Media and Whitman Hanson, Community Access TV
2017: Cor Trowbridge, VT
2018: Matthew Belfiore from Haverhill Media
2019: Brian Knoblock, Portland, ME
2023: Dena Schumacher, Mamaroneck, NY
Chuck Sherwood Leadership Award
This award recognizes an individual whose commitment, experience and/or accomplishments has made a significant contribution to the preservation and growth of community media. This individual goes above and beyond the call of service to the mission and goals of the regional Alliance for Community Media.
2005: Paul Berg, Newton, MA
2006: Debra Rogers, Falmouth, MA
2007: Nancy Richard, Plymouth, MA
2008: None
2009: Jennifer Evans, West Hartford, CT
2010: Dottie Grover, Londonderry, NH
2011: Robert Nichols – PEG Media, ME
2012: Mauro Pasquale, Worcester, MA
2013: Anthony Vigue, So. Portland, ME
2014: Scott Campitelli, RETN, Burlington, VT
2015: Shirley Ann Bruno, PATV, Lake Success, NY
2016: Lisa Byer, Catamount Access Television, VT
2017: Tony Arrien, Town of Putnam Valley, NY
2018: Karen Hayden from Methuen Community Television
2019: Pua Ford, Woodbridge Govt. Access TV, CT
2022: Susan Huizenga, WPAA-TV, Wallingford, CT
2023: Bill Jennings, Bedford, NH
Rika Welsh Community Impact Award
This award recognizes an individual or group—who have generated a project – that spoke directly to a clearer understanding of the cause being championed. The content whether modest or large, would reflect the passion of the goal. Because of the use of PEG resources, a greater empowerment of purpose and appreciation of the value of those resources is achieved.
2005: Cambodian American Voting Project
2006: None
2007: AbleVision, Malden, MA
2008: Route 9 Veterans’ Forum, Framingham, MA
2009: Terry Duenas, Jeff Hansell & Bill Nay “MyMassTV”
2010: Dr. Deepti Pradhan, Tilde Café, Branford, CT
2011: Howard Porter, Stoneham, MA
2012: Kevin Lynch, Falmouth, MA
2013: “The Empty Chair: Exposing Addiction” – Methuen, MA
2014: “Call to Serve” – Methuen, MA
2015: Linda Carbino, CATV8, White River Junction, VT
2016: Georgian Lussier – Producer, “Mid LIFE Matters” WPAA-TV, Wallingford, CT
2017: Cheryl Webb Scott, Stoneham MA
2018: Salley Dantzler Gibney, Greater Northshire Access Television (GNAT-TV)
2019: JoAnn Bocca – Rivieccio, Somerville, MA
2022: Rev. Will Mebane & Onjalé Scott Price – “THE Conversation” (Falmouth Community TV)
2023: Carol Courville, Athol, MA