Congratulations on to all our winners in the “NOR’EASTER AWARDS” at this year’s ACM Northeast Video Festival. We want to thank our judges for all their efforts to get this done. It can be difficult to choose the winners because there is so much quality production going on in our region. Continue reading below for important information on this year’s event
Click Here for the 2024 Winners List (Finalists)
Winners list updated 10/01/2024 and sorted by Entry ID Number. All entries shown are finalists.

Nor’Easter Awards Ceremony Information
More Information on the Nor’Easter Awards Ceremony: <COMING SOON>
RSVP for the Nor’Easter Awards Ceremony: <COMING SOON>
YouTube Premiere Link:
Facebook Premiere Link: <COMING SOON>
Please feel free to share the watch party links – the event is open to all!
Downloading a copy of the program for replay.
If you would like to replay the program on your channels, you can access the different versions at the following links:
Premiere version (with sponsor ads): <COMING SOON>
Ad-Free Version: <COMING SOON>
ACM-NE Fall Conference Information
2024 Event Pictures
Judging Feedback
We know the judging feedback is very important to everyone and will be working on extracting and sorting the judging feedback over the next several weeks with the goal of getting it to everyone by early next year. If you have any questions about judging feedback, please let us know.
Award Corrections
Please be sure to review the finalist’s spreadsheet at the above link and let us know if any corrections are needed to your information. Any corrections submitted will be noted in blue text in the winners spreadsheet. All corrections are due on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 12:00pm so that we have enough time to prepare awards for the event. Any corrections that need to be made after that date may be subject to an additional charge.
Ordering Additional Plaques/Certificates
Congratulations to all the winners in the ACM-NE Nor’easters Festival! Please note that each winning show receives ONE award. If you would like to order any additional awards, use the AWARD ORDER FORM found at the link below. If a reorder is received and PAID for by December 20, 2024 we should be able to ship all your awards together. Orders for additional awards will be taken until January 31, 2025 on our online form. All prices include shipping.
Additional First Place Show Plaques – $40 each
Additional 2nd and 3rd place certificates – $10 each
Additional Overall Excellence plaques – $60 each
Award Corrections – $15 each
Credit card/Paypal and Checks will be accepted by the Treasurer of ACM Northeast, Barbara Chisholm. All Information will be with the Order form.
Click HERE to access the reorder form:
We hope to see you at the upcoming ACM NOR’EASTERS and congratulations again!