A Message from the ACM-NE President

What a great conference! We hope that you felt the event offered many opportunities to learn, connect and network with many others in our field and outside our industry.
As we’ve discussed, we are at a pivotal time in our careers and in our industry to not be complacent. If there are many resonating realities that have come from the challenges threatened by the FCC, dwindling cable revenues and technology advancement is to make sure that we all stay on top of what it means to be relevant.
This can certainly vary depending on your community and their needs but nonetheless – we must continue to innovate to expand our partnerships in our community, explore strategic planning & re-branding, hire grant writers to seek external funds, enhance your fundraising skills, discuss hybrid merging models with municipalities, and in general begin putting greater value to the work we already do each and every day.
All of these ideas take actionable, thought-out steps but helps to align and prepare your organization for a successful future. Our workshops were strategic to cover lots of topics to prepare you for the future and to become an inclusive and inspiring visionary.
We hope you also enjoyed your time at the Trade Show learning the latest technology from vendors, celebrating your peers achievements at the Nor’easter Awards, letting loose at the Halloween Karaoke Afterparty, engaging with colleagues at the breakfast plenary and being inspired at the Leadership Awards & Keynote Luncheon.
Thank you for coming and supporting the Alliance for Community Media Northeast region. Stay tuned for #ACMNE2020!
Erica Jones,
ACM-NE President
Conference Survey and Feedback
We appreciate everyone attending the Conference and Trade Show. Please take a few moments and let us know how we did. All feedback goes back into shaping the best possible event experience for the following years. Thank you. Please fill out the online survey here!