Congratulations on to all our winners in the inaugural “NOR’EASTERS” at this year’s ACM Northeast Video Festival. We want to thank our judges for all their efforts to get this done. It can be difficult to choose the winners because there is so much quality production going on in our region.
Click Here for the 2019 Winners List

Nor’Easter Awards Ceremony
The awards will be given out on Thursday, October 31 from 7:00 – 9:00pm as part of the ACM Northeast Region Conference in Portland, ME. The venue is SPACE located at 538 Congress Street.
Register for Nor’Easter
Registration for the video festival is FREE for winners and 2 guests, but you need to sign up!
Register HERE: Registration is currently closed
Ordering Additional Plaques
You can also order additional plaques or certificates on this link when you register. There is also a paper form to order additional awards HERE which can be mailed with a check. If you would like to pay via PayPal, please let us know and we will send over an invoice. We must have received payment for your order prior to processing.
2019 ACM-NE Award Reorder Form – Orders Due 12/5
We hope to see you at the ACM NOR’EASTERS and congratulations again!