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The Public Access TV Corporation of Great Neck, New York (PATV), will receive a $500 grant to support the Playwrights Showcase in Lake Success. Lake Success is one of 14 unincorporated villages within the Great Neck/North Shore community served by PATV.

This event is an annual presentation of original one-act-plays followed by a Question & Answer session with the actors, playwrights and directors. It is the culmination of PATV’s Playwrights Project, a contest in which PATV selects two outstanding original plays and produces them with theater professional. Attendees at the Showcase will hear about PATV, how it serves the community, and how they can get involved in theh community media center. The community will meet the professionals who donate their time and talent for the project and learn how to get involved. The Showcase is recorded and played on PATV’s channel (both Cablevision 20 and Verizon FiOS 37).

The Playwrights Project was begun in 1996 and has so grown in popularity over the years that it needs to be held in a downtown theater, requiring rental fees and paid technical crew. The North Shore Community Arts Council is a co-sponsor. This year’s event is scheduled for Sunday, October 18.

More about PATV’s Playwrights Project is on their website here.

We are still accepting applications for Community Media Projects Mini-Grants at this link. You must be an ACM member in the Northeast Region to receive a grant