2017 ACMNE Conference
FALL 2017
ACM-NE Region Conference & Trade Show
Registration closed Thursday, October 26. Limited registrations may be available after this. Email deb@fctv.org for information.
Not a member? Want to save even more on your registration? Become a member of the Alliance for Community Media!
Find out how to become a member!
November 1-3, 2017 (See Full Schedule Here!)
November 1
Wednesday evening: Welcome
Thursday, November 2
Trade Show and Workshops
Friday, November 3
Workshops and special presentations
Sea Crest Beach Hotel
350 Quaker Road
North Falmouth, MA
Reserve your Hotel Room
1. If a registrant is unable to attend the conference for any reason, they may substitute someone else from the same institute/organization by contacting Conference Chair Debra Rogers (at deb@fctv.org).
2. Where the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person, then the following refund arrangements apply:
a. Registrations cancelled more than 25 days before the event will be refunded 100% of the registration fees.
b. Registrations cancelled less than 25 but more than 14 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.
c. Registrations cancelled less than 14 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.
Substitutions or refunds may be requested by emailing –
Debra Rogers, Conference Chair
Please no phone calls.
If you would like a vegan, vegetarian or gluten free meal, please send:
Name, restriction type, what days you are attending and will need restricted meals for to: deb@fctv.org NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2017 – 3:00pm eastern time. Requests made after this date and time may not be fulfilled.
In subject line put: MEAL REQUEST.
All Alliance for Community Media (ACM) Memberships are verified and attendees not appearing as members on the ACM member list will be be responsible for paying the Non-Member rate.