Would you like to join the ACM-Northeast Region Board of Directors? We are currently accepting applications for one appointed seat. Deadline is December 31. 2015.

Here are some things you might want to know before you apply. We meet twice annually in person (Planned for April 2, 2016 and TBA). We meet by conference call, generally six times a year.

We do require that everyone serve on at least one committee. These committees are: Conference Committee
Video Festival Committee
Information Services
Special Awards/Scholarships
Bylaws & Organizational Development
Each committee usually has one assignment during the year.

Currently, our 2016 commitment is to run a Video Festival and provide support to the National Conference in Boston in August 2016. We plan to provide financial support to our state affiliates and scholarships to members. We would also like to offer some other services to the membership, maybe webinars or new publications in the coming year.

Application Below:
Application-REG BOARD